***All Experts, Guests and Organizations represented on My Feminine Heart are individuals and independently owned businesses, organizations and service providers. The views they express and information they provide are solely their own and not necessarily a representation of the views and opinions of My Feminine Heart. Individual audience and Club Members should always consult their own physicians, legal representatives, financial advisors, etc. before following any advice offered on My Feminine Heart.
Our Rules of Decorum, Positivity & Privacy
Our show and community is a safe haven, a place to visit for peace and positivity - a respite from the sometimes intense and caustic outside world. We discuss volunteering and advocacy but absolutely no politics - this is a positive space. We discuss many aspects of life for the feminine spirit from health, wellness, beauty to fashion, employment, finance, personal safety and more. This is a non-sexualized arena; there is absolutely no explicit, sexual or fetish content associated with My Feminine Heart or supported in our community or online show. Of course sex and politics are a part of life but we feel there is enough venues available throughout the internet and world to explore those topics and are not needed to be expressed here. We ask all those who visit to do so with kindness and respect for others. We respect the privacy of all our members and visitors and ask for you to do the same.